Thursday, May 20, 2004
Wireless and mobile
SOAP and Mobile in C# and .NET
The home of kSOAP at

kSOAP is an SOAP API suitable for the Java 2 Microedition, based on kXML.

Because of its small footprint, it may be suitable for builing SOAP-enabled Java Applets as well.
How Soap Compares To Rest - REST wiki

CTDATA:Using REST for Web Services, Instead of SOAP | REST could burst SOAP's bubble

Some thoughts about SOAP versus REST on Security
Deliver Mobile Services Using XML And SOAP
XML and SOAP For Mobile Devices - From The Editor
Access Web services from wireless devices

The Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) has become the most important data exchange protocol for XML Web services. All Web services applications must support SOAP. In this article, Michael Juntao Yuan introduces an essential tool to support Web services on small wireless devices—the kSOAP parser. As he illustrates through examples, kSOAP is a powerful tool for composing and extracting Java data objects to and from SOAP messages. kSOAP is also flexible and lets users add custom functionalities through its own APIs or by directly modifying the source code.

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

gSOAP: Generator Tools for Coding SOAP/XML Web Services in C and C++

The gSOAP Web services development toolkit offers an XML to C/C++ language binding to ease the development of SOAP/XML Web services in C and C/C++. Most toolkits for C++ Web services adopt a SOAP-centric view and offer APIs that require the use of class libraries for SOAP-specific data structures. This often forces a user to adapt the application logic to these libraries. In contrast, gSOAP provides a transparent SOAP API through the use of proven compiler technologies. These technologies leverage strong typing to map XML schemas to C/C++ definitions. Strong typing provides a greater assurance on content validation of both WSDL schemas and SOAP/XML messages. The gSOAP compiler generates efficient XML serializers for native and user-defined C and C++ data types. As a result, SOAP/XML interoperability is achieved with a simple API relieving the user from the burden of WSDL and SOAP details, thus enabling him or her to concentrate on the application-essential logic. The compiler enables the integration of (legacy) C/C++ and Fortran codes (through a Fortran to C interface), embedded systems, and real-time software in SOAP applications that share computational resources and information with other Web services, possibly across different platforms, language environments, and disparate organizations located behind firewalls.